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Developing A Social Media Strategy To Enhance Your SEO


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Your social media marketing strategy is more that just the social media link icons. An active, fresh and dynamic content stream and regular audience engagement improves your search engine ranking by sending signals to search engines that you are an active and trustworthy information source. Neil Patel highlighted 5 things to know about Media and SEO.

Moreover, certain posts on your social media accounts can be indexed and displayed as individual search results, thus maximizing your organic presence. Posts that you make on your Google Plus page are eligible to appear in search results, and late last year Google started displaying individual tweets in search results as well.

In your comprehensive social media strategy, think about posting content that is rich in engaging text, images, videos and links that reflect your brand image and will make people want to share your posts. Tailor this for your social media platforms – on Instagram you should include a large and beautiful image alongside keyword-optimised hashtags. On Twitter you could provide quick tips on how your customers can use your products or services. Think about what your customers want to know most.
In today’s video, we have talked to you about developing an engaging social media strategy to boost your online presence. For more information on getting the most out of your social media strategy, watch our video about “Optimising your social media for SEO”.

Video #12: Optimising Your Social Media For SEO

Social media is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy. Today SEO Sydney is going to tell you about the best practices for ensuring that your social media feeds are optimised effectively.
To optimise your social media posts for SEO, start each post with a keyword that relates to your business. This is the first thing that customers see in search results, and if the keyword relates to what they have searched for, they will click on your link. This strategy is especially important for Tweets and Google Plus posts, since they are both eligible to appear directly in search results.

In your social media strategy, aim to update each of your social networks at least every two weeks, to create a dynamic and engaging content feed. Include spaces for these content feeds on your website, where your customers can directly read your latest Tweets and posts, and view your latest images.

You can install the Feed Them Social plugin to help you out. This plugin lets you control exactly how many posts, words, and videos will be shown right away to the user. You can also customise how much content will be shown on each page.

Many social media platforms also let you unlock key social media features when you choose the Premium versions. These premium features allow you to present your social accounts on a page or side bar widget. This could be exactly what your client is after.

To learn more about SEO and social media, check out our video on “Developing A Social Media Strategy.,” or go to SEO Sydney to explore our videos that covers anything and everything SEO today

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