Sydney SEO

SEO Checklist For Startups And Entrepreneurs


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Having an innovative idea for a new product or service and just creating a startup is often not enough. You need to get the word out to the world and make sure new customers find you. But how do you do that? We believe that one of the strategies that should be in any entrepreneur’s arsenal is SEO. In today’s video we will take you through the most important tactics any startup founder and entrepreneur should be using to ensure their venture takes off the ground.

Website design and optimisation are crucial.

Having a well-designed modern website is increasingly important, as two in five consumers would hesitate to order a product or a service if a business’ website is outdated and poorly designed. If you don’t have design background/skills, build your website with free platforms such as Wordpress which we strongly recommend as it’s relatively easy to optimise for SEO. You should try to keep your site simple not only because this will provide better user experience, but also because it will help with page speed of your site. Speed with which your site loads is crucial for user retention, increased conversion rates and decreased bounce rates.

Specify your goals & identify your audience.

Think about what sort of keywords your target audience might be searching for – you can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Moz, UberSuggest and plenty other tools to do your research.

Once you have your keyword list ready, incorporate them within your new site. We’re talking optimising your meta descriptions, titles, tags and all the other website content. If you need help doing that, read our article explaining SEO basics for business, or contact a professional SEO agency to help you implement best SEO practices on your site.

Make sure you pinpoint your unique selling point.

Defining your USP, also known as unique value proposition, is crucial. Think about what makes you and your product or service unique. What is innovative about your startup and how does it change the world? Once you have your USP figured out, incorporate it in your meta description, titles and site content to drive traffic from Google.

Implement a social marketing strategy.

Social media can be especially useful for startups as not many people might know about you yet, and might not even be searching for what you’ve got to offer. Therefore, it’s a good idea to try and reach people in a different, more visible way.

Research influencers within your industry and create connections with them. Utilise hashtags on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Contribute to different forums such as Quora and plug your product in a non-intrusive way.

You don’t have to have viral content to let people know about what you’ve got to offer – just focus on creating real, human connection with potential customers. It might be time-consuming, but if done well, can really pay off.

Wrap up:

There are a few obstacles startup owners and entrepreneurs will face when launching. One of them is that if your page is new, it is likely to take longer to rank in Google. Another issue is that sometimes people might not even be searching for your product or service yet as they don’t know it even exists. Therefore, it’s important to utilise social platforms to spread the word. These are the two big obstacles but if you follow our advice and tick off all the SEO boxes, your new venture will have a chance to succeed. For more information and tips, go to SEO Sydney.


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