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How Do Emojis Affect SEO And Social Media Engagement?


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Do Emojis Affect SEO? | SEO Sydney 

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Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller reveal that emojis do not harm or help search engine optimisation (SEO) in any kind of way. Google does not show all emojis in search results, especially if it disturbs or disrupts the search results. Google interprets the emoji for the equivalent word, but there is no real advantage of using them for your titles or meta descriptions. Semrush conducted several tests and the results support John Mueller’s statements.
If you wish to enhance your SEO, reach out to the Sydney SEO experts at SEO Sydney. You can also explore our blog to learn about the “5 Foolproof Ways To Improve Your SEO”.

Although emojis may not be useful in improving your SEO, implementing emojis in other areas do offer a variety of benefits for you and your company.


4 Benefits Of Using Emojis In Social Media – Insight from SEO Sydney

1.  Humanise your brand

Incorporating emojis into your posts, captions, comments, stories, direct messages, and bios, unites your brand with a sense of relatability and personality. You humanise your brand voice and remind your consumers that your business are run by actual people with personalities, rather than robots who are unable to share concerns, or emphasise with consumers. 

This emoji marketing strategy goes beyond trivial short-term benefits because when you are able to establish credibility and a strong connection with your audience, your consumers will deeply trust your brand. As a result, they’re more likely to recommend you to their family or friends and become continuing supporters, hence providing long-term value and leaving a lasting impression on your business.


2. Significantly improve user engagement 

Although the use of emojis do not raise your SEO score, it can crucially increase engagement with your consumers on many of the world’s most popular platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This is because they can enhance connection with your target audience and stimulate consumer response. 

Emojis in a tweet can increase engagement by 25.4%. If you include certain emojis in your Facebook post that also align with your brand voice, you can increase the number of likes by 57% and the number of comments and shares by 33%. Emojis can also elevate your engagement rate by 48% on Instagram. 

If emojis can impressively increase the likelihood of engagement, it would be foolish to not utilise them for your advantage. However, overusing them or incorporating emojis that are irrelevant may have undesirable impacts.


3. Expand and broaden your audience 

If your target audience includes the younger demographic, then emojis can be extremely helpful in appealing to them as well as the emotions of your consumers on a much deeper level. You can show off another side of your brand personality on social media and add a level of  creativity and innovation to your campaigns. This is because emojis position your brand to have an enthusiastic, youthful, and fun vibe. 


4. More user-friendly

According to the research at 3M Corporation, humans process visuals and imagery 60,000 times faster than written text. The report also found that people only read 28% of words on a website’s page. Rather than uploading posts, emails, or captions that are overwhelming with words, try to summarise it with emojis.


Should You Use Emojis?

SEO and engagement performance metrics on a laptop | SEO Sydney

Using emojis for social media may offer a variety of benefits | SEO Sydney

Emojis are not the magical cure to a platform’s lack of engagement and connection with their audience. If you go overboard with emojis or if you use emojis that fail to align with your brand voice, it can significantly damage your company’s credibility and reputation. It is easy for emojis to come off as unprofessional, so if they do not align with your campaign or brand character, then you should not use it. Think about whether emojis work with the industry your business functions in. For example, incorporating emojis for a business in finance, medicine, or luxury services, may not be entirely advantageous. This is because consumers may value solemnity, individuality, or exclusivity. Hopping on the emojis marketing trend may take that away from your business. 

It is recommended that you consider questions such as: 

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What does your specific target audience value the most about your firm?
  • Will expanding or broadening be beneficial for your company? 
  • Is it common for your audience to use emojis? 
  • Have you implemented emojis them in other communications or platforms?


Final Words – SEO Sydney

SEO, impressions, bounce rate, click-through rate on a laptop | SEO Sydney

Reach out to the Sydney SEO experts at SEO Sydney to learn how to improve your SEO

Our team offers a variety of services such as SEO web design, business strategy, PPC services, SEO copywriting, social media management, and consult SEO services. 

Get in touch with the Sydney SEO experts if you have any concerns, queries or are looking to schedule a consultation. You can also visit our SEO company for more information about our services. 

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