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Top 4 Backlink Analysis Tools You Should Use To Improve Your SEO Ranking (2022)


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What Is Backlink Analysis?  

A backlink analysis refers to the assessment of the number and quality of your website’s backlinks to evaluate performance and the issues that affect your website’s search engine ranking. 

Backlinks – also known as inbound links – are links from one website to another. A backlink occurs when website A links to website B. In this scenario, website B has just generated a backlink via website A. On the other hand, website A has externally linked to website B.

By using these tools and improving your backlinks, you also enhance your search result rankings and grow site traffic. Have a chat with the friendly SEO experts at SEO Sydney to help you understand backlink analysis strategies!


High-quality And Relevant Backlinks 

The impact of backlinking is much greater when high authority websites externally link to your site. Google search crawlers can easily identify between a website full of spammy content, and a high authority website that is well-trusted by Google and web surfers. Gaining backlinks from websites that are well regarded by Google suggests your website quality is just as valuable, thereby bolstering your ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). On the other hand, backlinks from spam-filled websites are unlikely to impact your SERP, and may even negatively impact your organic traffic by associating yourself with low-quality sites. 

Backlinks from trusted and high-ranking websites are also the best way to organically grow site traffic to your website’s content. High authority sites which are already ranked well have a larger audience reach, meaning more chances for your site to be clicked on.

Relevance is another key factor when it comes to successful backlinking which increases your SERP rank. Going back to our hypothetical, would you rather follow the restaurant review of a 5-star chef, or a jewelry store clerk – obviously the chef! Similarly, Google will rank a website with backlinks relevant to its own content more highly. 

Additionally, collaborating with websites within the same industry can lead to potential partnership opportunities, providing benefits for all those involved. 


Top 4 SEO & Backlink Analysis Tools 

1. Ahrefs 

Ahrefs is one of the most popular SEO and backlink analysis tools that are incredibly easy to use. It is trusted by businesses such as Facebook, eBay, Adobe, Pinterest, and Uber.

Here’s why you should choose Ahrefs:  

  • Free 14-day trial period 
  • Automatic conduction of site audits
  • Email alerts about your website’s SEO ranking, new and lost backlinks and keyword rankings
  • Mention Monitoring notifications when your brand is mentioned online
  • Advice on fixing SEO and performance issues in search engines
  • Insights from your inbound and outbound link profiles 
  • Generation of content ideas and link opportunities with Content Explorer
  • Internal Backlinks feature further strengthens your backlink strategy 
  • Quality content on how to implement Ahrefs for your website


2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows your business to check the indexing status, and optimize the visibility of their websites.

Why you should choose Google Search Console:  

  • Free 
  • Measure your site’s search traffic and performance
  • Enhance your site in Google Search results
  • Email alerts when Google identifies issues on your site and which URLs are affected by these issues 
  • Free and comprehensive Search Console training content  


3. SEMrush

SEMrush is another popular SEO tool that does your keyword research, tracks your competitor’s strategies, and provides backlinking opportunities. It is used by 30% of Fortune 500 companies such as Tesla, Amazon, and Samsung. 

Here are other reasons why you should consider SEMrush:  

  • Free 7-day trial period 
  • Custom plans
  • Over 40 SEO tools 
  • Thorough analysis of your backlinks
  • Insight into competitors’ winning strategies 
  • Content marketing feature allows you to develop a powerful content marketing strategy


4. Linkody 

Linkody is a powerful link profile analysis that is used by world-renowned companies such as d by eToro and Catch. 

Why you should choose Linkody:

  • Free 30-day trial period 
  • Alerts when you lose or gain links
  • Analyse your link profile with a variety of metrics 
  • Quickly identify and disavow bad links 
  • Receive daily and insightful reports about your link profile 


SEO & backlink analysis tool price comparison

SEO Sydney Backlink Analysis Tools Price Comparison Backlink Analysis Tools enhances your search result rankings and grows site traffic.


Key takeaways 

Backlink analysis tools are essential to improving your SEO ranking. But they are not a magic cure for poor linking techniques. Bad linking techniques lead to low-quality blogs with only short-term ranking gains. In our post: Aligning SEO Melbourne with Google’s Own SEO Advice we reveal our own white hat SEO strategies that will help you avoid poor SEO practices.

When you understand the performance issues your website faces, you gain knowledge on how to solve these problems. There is a positive correlation between having the right amount of high-quality links, increased site traffic, and better performance outcomes. 

For more advice about SEO, link building, backlinks, and SEO ranking, reach out to the friendly experts at SEO Sydney!

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