Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club
Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club is another example of a long term client that our SEO Sydney Company have been working with for over a year now.
We started our SEO services with Sanctuary Lakes GC in May 2018 and we continue to work with this client today. We continuously employ new SEO strategies as well as adjust existing ones to provide all our clients with growth and value in their digital business front.
One year ago, nearly none of the client’s keywords were ranking in the top 50 SERP results. Presently, 11 out of 17 targeted keywords are ranking in the top 50 results with 7 keywords in the first SERP. These rankings are accurate as of June 28th and may not reflect current rankings as Google’s results are continuously fluctuating.
The keyword ‘Golf Courses Melbourne’ is one of the top ranking keywords in this industry with a search volume (LSM) of 1,900. In May 2018 when we started helping Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club with their online assets, they were not ranking in the top 50 for this prime keyword. With the implementation of our SEO strategies, our client is now ranking on the top 10 results of Google search. Our campaign has provided Sanctuary Lakes GC with significant exposure as ranking in the first SERP is crucial for a business’ traffic and growth. Additionally, for the third most searched term ‘Golf Driving Range’ ( LSM= 1,000) with our strategies, the client is now ranking 6th in comparison to not being in the top 50 results just a year ago.
As you can see in the video provided, the client’s website prior to our SEO campaign was not user friendly. Website users had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the home page to find sections relevant to the services/products the golf club offered or they had to navigate the top section of the website to try and find what they were searching.
The new website was built to stay consistent with Sanctuary Lake GC’s brand as well as Google’s prerequisites to rank highly. With on-page optimisation techniques, a strong content strategy and dynamic content the website is now ranking on the first SERP for the majority of results. There is now a clear space just below the slider where the user can immediately and easily see all the services and products the client has to offer. In addition, there is a clear call-to-action on the centre of the home page ‘Book now’ which gives the user the opportunity to book a golf session without hassle which is a feature that especially returning users really value. All of these features have contributed to improving our client’s Google ranking as well as their bookings and golf club member numbers.