SEO Sydney’s service team was approached to work with one of Australia’s largest private health operators ASX-HSO . Healthscope provide health services in their own hospitals, pathology units and medical centres. As a result of work completed by our SEO Sydney Company we increased new online patients by 62%. We worked specifically on 20 medical centres and every medical centre experienced lifts in rankings and as a result traffic and consequentially new patients. Of the 60 keywords SEO Sydney was responsible for, 46 are now in the top 3, this is a 109% increase in rankings from campaign start. Of all 60 keywords 26 are number 1.
SEO Sydney worked closely with Healthscope to provide timely and effective results. We worked on Healthscope’s UX (user experience), UI (user interface), meta data and overall search strategy. Coupling this with a creative approach to SEO, we obtained lasting results for a great client. We work with each individual client by assessing what aspects of their website need improvement and implement our plan. By doing so we are able to help each client reach their goals with SEO!